Wednesday, February 24, 2016

"Treat" Your Body Like A Temple {Includes Free Printables}

This month the Come, Follow Me topic for the Youth is The Plan of Salvation. As I was reading through the outlines for this month, I immediately had an idea for the lesson "Why should I treat my body like a temple?" found here.

I like to include a little something fun to eat with my handouts and it only took a minute to come up with a little play on words for the lesson:

My body is a "sweet" gift from Heavenly Father and I should "treat" it like a temple . . .

And it just so happens that Hershey's Miniatures are perfect building blocks for the temple as well as a "sweet treat"!

I made some candy bar wrappers and labeled each with a reason we should treat our body like a temple. I found the reasons from the lesson outline as well as a talk by Sister Susan W. Tanner. You can find her talk here.

When the handout was complete each block of the temple completed the sentence at the top of the handout: 

My body is a "sweet" gift from Heavenly Father and I should "treat" it like a temple . . .

. . . because my body is God's sacred creation!

 . . . because my body houses my spirit!

. . . and I will receive blessings!

. . . and if I live worthily my body can one day be sanctified and exalted!

I think that the handout turned out pretty cute!

You can view and download a copy of the handout here.

You can also view and download a copy of the candy bar wrappers here.



  1. Thanks for sharing such a great idea
